We traveled for nine months (is it just a coincidence that's the amount of time it takes the average human to conceive a new idea, incubate it to perfection and manifest it, making visible to the rest of the world what only they have imagined?). The photo above is from our balcony in Charlotte, NC. I took naps on that balcony. Borphan hung a bird feeder there within the first week and we enjoyed watching different species come to feed. It was a beautiful, peaceful respite for us and we lived there from August to November.
In the "Queen City" Ethan enjoyed riding the "CHOO-choo" as often as he wished. Charlotte's LYNX Light rail is a fabulous way to get in and out of downtown without worrying about traffic, one-way streets and finding parking. Also, Borphan finally got to see a live NFL game. A group of our friends came to visit and they took him to the football game for his 31st birthday. The Panthers smashed their opponent and it was a really great experience for them all. Jenna came down for a visit as well, and we toured "Scarowinds" in early October. Carowinds completely converts the park into a Halloween-themed extravaganza. It's ridiculous and fun. We didn't have the luxury of waiting for perfect weather to go, so we went on a night with 100% chance of rain. The park opens for Scarowinds at 7pm. If you've never ridden a 70mph roller-coaster in the dark with cold, pelting rain smacking you in the face, well . . . let's just keep it that way.
It was a more social experience, enjoyable in a different way. We rode in a large, open wagon with benches along the sides and center that was drawn by two enormous horses. The guide was kind enough to give us the rare opportunity to feed the giraffes sweet gum leaves . . . from our own mouths if we so chose. It was a strange and intimate moment to have a giraffe breathing hot, moist air from it's lungs straight onto your face. And to feel it's soft, furry snout wiggling toward the sweet gum leaf and brushing your lips to get it. . . invigorating. I know, it's weird. But it was awesome and unforgettable too. The Lazy 5 Ranch will teach you something about our nature and how it overlaps with animal nature and how . . . well maybe we're not so different after all. Don't we all simply want to be fed, kept from harm and adored for our beauty? At least that's what Borphan tells me.
Being away from home for those nine months gave us time to sort through some things. Like what REALLY is most important to our family? Why DO we work and how much should we work? Where do we WANT to live? Traveling affirmed my love of nursing and my chosen profession. I saw my husband differently than I ever had before. Who was this man who would pack up everything and give up his home to see me happy again? An old relationship became new again.
To sum it up, in 2013, we learned to see failures as new opportunities and endings as fresh beginnings. For the first time in our lives we learned how to pray out loud. Together. One more item, checked-off my bucket list.
I am happy to share that I clicked my heels together enough times to land us back in Raleigh. We are working towards creating a stable life again. Ethan is overjoyed to be near his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and sees them on a weekly basis.
And the next time we travel . . . it will be for vacation.